Egle Tamosiunaite
Sports coaching bachelor. 8 years experience working at health studio/ gym. 3 years experience working with kids training. I am FOCUSED that my clients learn healthy lifestyle and don't need to live on the diet all them life.
My goal that my clients get a really good workouts where they can feel the right muscles, mental relax from the daily life and having fun while training.
+47 93 01 49 91
Jeg startet å trene med Egle 2 ganger i uken i april 2020. Jeg har gått ned 38 kg, blitt veldig mye sunnere og sterkere og endret livsstilen min.Trude50år
Egle har vært min pt siden 2015 hos Sats. Hennes profesjonalitet , lidenskap og kunnskap for faget og jobben gjør henne unik .Ekspertise
- StyrkeBachelor of sports coaching (strength and condition training)
- LøpingBachelor with specialisation of athletic training, 7years experience short distance running
- Trening for gravideExperienced and educated for training during pregnancy
- KostholdStudies included nutrition, diet and healthy lifestyle
- Friidrett7 years competing short distance running
- BodybuildingCouple of years training, tried dieting, competing
- SvømmingI been swimming since 5years, competed at some young age and during the school years
- Løping7 years competing short distance running
Utdannelse og kurs
- Sports Coaching BachelorLithuanian Sports University
- Mandag
- 08:30 - 12:0015:00 - 21:00
- Tirsdag
- 17:00 - 21:00
- Onsdag
- 09:00 - 12:0016:00 - 21:30
- Torsdag
- 15:00 - 20:30
- Fredag
- 08:30 - 13:30
- Lørdag
- 09:00 - 13:00
- Søndag
- Ikke tilgjengelig